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-SOLD OUT- 日本酒Festa in 銅鑼湾


All tickets are SOLD OUT. Thank you for many participation.

有数の大吟醸日本酒の会に免費ご招待Book now

メディアサイト”Japan Finder”が、(株)はせがわ酒店とともに、昨年に続き「日本酒Festa in 銅鑼湾」を開催します。今年も4社の酒蔵が来港し、丹精込めた大吟醸を披露します。 当日は、日本料理も用意しておりますので、ぜひご参加ください。

通過媒體(メディアサイト) “Japan Finder” 發報日本現時流行的訊息,Japan Finder 有限公司與“はせがわ”酒店攜手舉辦之 [日本酒 Festa in 銅鑼灣]。延續往年,今年是第二次舉辦

"Japan Finder is an internet media company with a focus on the latest news in Japan. In October, Japan Finder will join hands with Hasegawa Saketen to present you “Sake Festa in Causeway Bay!”

TENKAI customer and our Facebook followers are invited to this event for free !



【Venue】  ⾹港⽇本⼈倶楽部 Hong Kong Japanese Club

      Unit 902, 9/F, Tower 535 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

【参加費】 Free 無料(免費)

【Entry】 Please click -> 日本酒Festa in 銅鑼湾  **定員になり次第締め切らせいただきます。ご理解の程宜しくお願い致します.

(Limited offer)


「⽇本酒Festa in 銅鑼湾」出品予定日本酒銘柄 毎年のSake Competitionで⾦賞銀賞を受賞する蔵元様の極めて品質の⾼い⽇本酒を取り揃え、⾹港⽇本⼈倶楽部にて美味しいお料理とともにご堪能頂き、⾄福の時をお過ごし頂きます。

At this event, prestigious breweries that have been constant winners of top prizes in Sake Competitions, will introduce you high‐quality sake, also you will be able to enjoy matched delicious special meals prepared by chef. This event will not only indulge you in sake of supreme quality, but also allow you to

learn about the history and culture of Japanese sake from experts of each breweries and Hasegawa Saketen.



TENKAI customer and our Facebook followers are invited to this event for free !



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